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Bones - 3x3 - Death in the Saddle


3x2 | 3x4

Exibido em: 09-Out-2007

Mini Sinopse: Cadáver de um homem em estágio avançado de decomposição é encontrado com os pés amputados e os braços amarrados. A autópsia leva Brennan e Booth a um hotel utilizado para a prática de sadomasoquismo, no qual as mulheres são as amazonas e os homens cavalos.
Ultima edição: JonEditar minissinopse

Comentarios - Bones - 3x3 (83)

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"- I'll tell you why: Here we are, all of us, basically alone, separate creatures, just circling each other, all searching for that slightest hint of a real connection.
Some look in the wrong places, some-- they just give up hope because, in their mind, they're thinking, "Oh, there's nobody out there for me," but all of us, we keep trying over and over again.
Why? Because every once in a while every once in a while, two people meet and there's that spark, and yes, Bones, he's handsome and she's beautiful, maybe that's all they see at first, but making love making love that's when two people become one.

- It is scientifically impossible for two objects to occupy the same space.

- Yeah, but what's important is we try, and when we do it right, we get close.

- To what? Breaking the laws of physics?

- Yeah, Bones a miracle.
Those people with their role-playing and their fetishes and their little sex games, it's crappy sex, well, you know, at least compared to the real thing.

- You're right.

- Yeah, but Wait a second, I just won that argument? Yep."

B&B ♥

2014-07-09 20:12:41Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Booth, por que tão perfeito? Esse sorriso ♥

2015-04-13 11:58:13Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
"I'll tell you why: here we are, all of us, basically alone, separate creatures, just circling each other, all searching for that slightest hint of a real connection. Some look in the wrong places, some... they just give up hope because, in their mind, they're thinking, 'oh, there's nobody out there for me', but all of us, we keep trying over and over again. Why? Because every once in a while... every once in a while, two people meet and there's that spark, and yes, Bones, he's handsome and she's beautiful, maybe that's all they see at first, but making love... making love... that's when two people become one"
"It is scientifically impossible for two objects to occupy the same space"
"Yeah, but what's important is we try, and when we do it right, we get close"
"To what? Breaking the laws of physics?"
"Yeah, Bones a miracle. Those people with their role-playing and their fetishes and their little sex games, it's crappy sex, well, you know, at least compared to the real thing"
"You're right"
"Yeah, but... Wait a second, I just won that argument?"


2017-04-03 10:27:26Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Gostei de um caso mais de boas, tranquilinho
e amei que a angela já descobriu o nome do marido dela, para acabar rapido com esse arco, pq eu quero logo os meus bbs casando e tendo filhos < 3

Booth bem chatinho ein com esse lance de preconceito u.u

2017-03-26 22:19:04Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Brennan e Booth no carro sempre geram ótimas cenas.

2015-07-13 18:42:44Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

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