Retrospectiva 2023 - Levi Neves

2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

10 Melhores séries vistas em 2023

* 3 episódios pelo menos

10 Piores séries vistas em 2023

* 3 episódios pelo menos

Maratonas/Séries mais assistidas em 2023

* Este dado pode conter falhas para novos usuários do site pois também conta as séries que você marcou inteira como vista este ano.

Badges Desbloqueados em 2023 ()

Series Finalizadas em 2023 (6)

Series abandonadas em 2023 (0)

Comentários mais curtidos

Series assistidas por genero:

Somente levando em conta os principais generos
Drama - The Son, Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan, Karppi, El Recluso, Tulsa King, Undercover (2019), The Serpent, The Valhalla Murders, The Terminal List, Reacher, Citadel, 1883, Hit & Run, The Cleaning Lady, Silo, Joe Pickett, Django, 1923, Kleo, La Cabeza de Joaquín Murrieta, The Night Agent, Perfil Falso, The Winter King, Ferry: De Serie
Mini-Serie - The Serpent, The Valhalla Murders, 1883, Django, La Noche Más Larga
Crime - Karppi, El Recluso, Tulsa King, Undercover (2019), The Valhalla Murders, Reacher, Hit & Run, The Cleaning Lady, La Noche Más Larga, Kleo, Ferry: De Serie
Dorama - The King's Affection, Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Ação - Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan, El Recluso, The Terminal List, Reacher, La Noche Más Larga, La Cabeza de Joaquín Murrieta, The Night Agent, The Winter King
Romance - The King's Affection, Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Aventura - The Terminal List, The Winter King

Episódios com melhor nota

El Recluso - 1x13 - Ep. 1x13 - 10
Undercover (2019) - 1x2 - Highly Sensitive - 10
Undercover (2019) - 1x4 - Legio Patria Nostra - 10
Undercover (2019) - 1x5 - Across the Border - 10
Undercover (2019) - 1x7 - That Cop's Face - 10
Undercover (2019) - 1x8 - Nouveau Monde - 10
Undercover (2019) - 3x1 - Evil Eye - 10
Undercover (2019) - 3x6 - Pater Familias - 10
Undercover (2019) - 3x8 - Showdown - 10
The Chosen - 1x2 - Shabbat - 10
The Chosen - 1x3 - Jesus Loves the Little Children - 10
The Chosen - 1x4 - The Rock on Which It Is Built - 10
The Chosen - 1x5 - The Wedding Gift - 10
The Chosen - 1x6 - Indescribable Compassion - 10
The Chosen - 1x7 - Invitations - 10
The Chosen - 1x8 - I Am He - 10
Citadel - 1x1 - The Human Enigma - 10
Citadel - 1x2 - Spies Appear In Night Time - 10
The Cleaning Lady - 1x1 - TNT - 10
The Cleaning Lady - 1x2 - The Lion's Den - 10
Silo - 1x2 - Holston’s Pick - 10
Silo - 1x6 - The Relic - 10
Silo - 1x7 - The Flamekeepers - 10
Silo - 1x8 - Hanna - 10
Silo - 1x9 - The Getaway - 10
Joe Pickett - 1x1 - A Monster at the Gate - 10
Joe Pickett - 1x2 - Circling Vultures - 10
Joe Pickett - 1x8 - The Killing Fields - 10
Extraordinary Attorney Woo - 1x1 - Extraordinary Attorney Woo - 10
Extraordinary Attorney Woo - 1x2 - The Wedding Dress That Slipped Off - 10
*Limitado a 30 episódios

Episódios com pior nota

Tulsa King - 1x8 - Adobe Walls - 8
Tulsa King - 1x9 - Happy Trails - 8
The Serpent - 1x2 - Episode 2 - 8
The Terminal List - 1x5 - Disruption - 8
Reacher - 1x1 - Welcome to Margrave - 8
Reacher - 1x2 - First Dance - 8
Reacher - 1x3 - Spoonful - 8
Reacher - 1x4 - In a Tree - 8
Reacher - 1x5 - No Apologies - 8
Reacher - 1x6 - Papier - 8
Reacher - 1x7 - Reacher Said Nothing - 8
Reacher - 1x8 - Pie - 8
Citadel - 1x5 - Time Renders Us Enemies - 8
The King's Affection - 1x1 - Episode 1 - 8
La Noche Más Larga - 1x3 - Episode 3 - 8
La Cabeza de Joaquín Murrieta - 1x1 - Gold - 8
Django - 1x1 - New Babylon - 7.5
Django - 1x3 - Nagadoches - 7.5
Django - 1x7 - The Giant - 7.5
La Cabeza de Joaquín Murrieta - 1x2 - Ash - 7.5
La Noche Más Larga - 1x4 - Episode 4 - 7
The Night Agent - 1x6 - Fathoms - 7
Perfil Falso - 1x1 - Flesh and Bone - 7
Django - 1x4 - Fountainhead - 6.5
Django - 1x5 - Chambersburg - 5.5
Django - 1x6 - The Trial - 5.5
Django - 1x8 - Tobacco Tin - 5.5
Django - 1x9 - Masquerade - 4.5
Django - 1x10 - The Western Sea - 4

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