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Scream Queens (2015) By wemerson

Episodio 1x1 - Nota 9 2015-09-22 00:12:02

to no aguardo desde que saiu a notícia que uma possível série do Ryan com Jamie Lee Curtis e Emma Roberts seria feita, a série foi ganhando forma, elenco incrível, trailer, e eu tava pirando contando os dias e nem acredito que É HOJE!!!!!!!!!!! SLAY QUEEN

Episodio 1x1 - Nota 9 2015-09-25 12:39:18

Eu amo a Emma Roberts e a série superou minhas expectativas....
Zayday 💘

Episodio 1x1 - Nota 9 2015-11-20 12:59:22

He's killing me! The Red Devil is killing me! I let him into my room, now I'm being stabbed to death!! Somebody please help me! Please!

Episodio 1x3 - Nota 8.5 2015-10-03 21:27:58

gente, shondemonia sendo citada na série foi ótimo hahajaja
Denise melhor pessoa

Episodio 1x4 - Nota 9 2015-10-09 20:06:27

de longe foi o melhor episódio até agora

Episodio 1x4 - Nota 9 2015-10-09 20:07:35

Chanel, denise e zayday de longe são as melhores pessoas dessa série. não tem como odiar a chanel, ela é INCRÍVEL, uma regina george 2.0 bem mais bitch

Episodio 1x6 - Nota 8 2015-10-24 16:24:09

Zayday Something

Episodio 1x7 - Nota 8.5 2015-11-06 20:27:37

diálogo da chanel com a chanel #2 melhor parte do ep

Episodio 1x9 - Nota 9 2015-11-26 17:58:40


Episodio 1x10 - Nota 9.5 2015-11-28 15:15:52


Episodio 1x11 - Nota 8.5 2015-12-09 15:51:50

"Should I get #5 a pair of 99-cent brass studs that'll turn her earlobes green and give her an infection or a pair of $1.99 danglies that'll get caught on her sweater and tear her earholes? "

Episodio 1x12 - Nota 9.5 2015-12-09 15:50:01

"Chanel. Any guy swiping right on you is a miracle. So, go. Go meet this blind man. And when I'm done apologizing to Melanie, I'm gonna call Pope Francis because we now have proof of God's existence in this universe."
-Oberlin, Chanel

Episodio 1x13 - Nota 10 2015-12-09 15:57:53

scream queens
nada mais justo que encerrar com a rainha gritando

Episodio 1x13 - Nota 10 2016-01-21 20:26:57

-can I call you 'mom'??
- WHAT??
-please? I feel so loved and protected by all of u

Episodio 2x1 - Nota 8.5 2016-09-20 21:30:16

shut up, number five

Episodio 2x1 - Nota 8.5 2016-09-21 07:30:15

correction: SPECIAL agent

Episodio 2x1 - Nota 8.5 2016-09-22 18:43:05

"I'm basically female viagra" eu sei migo #TeamJacob

Episodio 2x1 - Nota 8.5 2016-09-22 18:48:36

B: I was the head surgeon on the operation that separated the Hemsworth brothers.
Z: Wait. They're not even twins.
B: Well, that's what made the procedure so difficult.

Episodio 2x2 - Nota 8.5 2016-10-04 11:17:47

"think our wieners just touched accidentally"

Episodio 2x2 - Nota 8.5 2016-10-04 11:21:45

D: Well, well, well. It's a damn good thing you got quantico's finest on the case, do you know the number one lesson you learn as a top FBI cadet? Trust your instincts, and do you know what my instincts told me the first time I laid eyes on that Zayday Williams? I was like, "this bitch right here is a stone cold ho." she tried to accuse you of being the killer just to deflect the attention off herself.
M: How do we prove it's not me?
D: I got you, okay? this is what I learned at quantico, and by watching movies about quantico. ooooh, and from the hit TV show quantico, now in its thrilling second season.

Episodio 2x3 - Nota 8.5 2016-10-12 12:51:36

*chanel's voice* nooooo Chad

Episodio 2x3 - Nota 8.5 2016-10-16 17:13:41

essa temporada muito melhor que a primeira em apenas 3 eps

Episodio 2x3 - Nota 8.5 2016-10-16 17:15:38

"Enough, I don't choose you, Dr. Brock and I don't choose you either, Chad. I choose me, Chanel Oberlin and I am not some little girl anymore who can be easily seduced by whichever man comes along and has the most money, or is the most rich. I will date who I want to date, thank you"

Episodio 2x3 - Nota 8.5 2016-10-16 17:17:07

Chanel #3: Wait, can you actually do that? How do you remove negative space?

Episodio 2x4 - Nota 9.5 2016-10-24 00:08:16

quem acha que a emma roberts e niecy nash nasceram pra interpretar chanel e denise, me add

Chanel-O-Ween em toda tempora sim "You are a shining example of why euthanasia should be made legal." kkkkkkjjjk

D: Brock, what the hell you supposed to be?
B: I'm the script of Batman v Superman.
D: You look like a bloody mess.
B: Exactly.

chanel #5: What? I thought that Ivana and Ivanka were the same person! I mean, who names their kid after their wife, and just adds a random letter?

Denise: now I'm-a shoot you for ruining my Khaleesi costume, you son of a bitch!!!

denise, a rainha da serie e a maior quantico special agent que vc respeita vai deixar saudades

Episodio 2x4 - Nota 9.5 2016-10-24 00:21:43

[chanel's voice] excuuuuuse me? how I choose to grieve the passing of my rich, hot, dead fiancé is entirely up to me. [...] Are you? Are you upset, Number Five? Because as far as I can tell, I am the only one here showing even a modicum of anguish. I mean, did anyone else here think to change into a costume with a subtle Jackie Kennedy leitmotif to show that the passing of Chad Radwell is a major event in our nation's history? No.

Episodio 2x5 - Nota 7 2016-11-18 19:36:48

She's drawn to Chanel #5's pain like a shark to blood in the water

Episodio 2x5 - Nota 7 2016-11-18 19:37:44

alô ryan, pode me chamar pra ser o chanel pour homme #2

Episodio 2x6 - Nota 8 2016-12-03 21:10:29

lea michele nasceu pra interpretar a hester assim como a emma nasceu pra ser a chanel #1

que cena maravilhosa essa da chanel correndo atrás da munsch, quase supera a cena dela escrevendo o email na season passada

Episodio 2x7 - Nota 8 2016-12-06 21:41:58

#3: Whenever the med students on House checked out a patient's life to figure out what was wrong with them, it always seemed more dramatic and exciting.
C: I went by their house this morning to do some investigating. I took all these photos to see if we could find any clues.
#3: They're tidy people. Were there any sex toys in their nightstand? I don't trust anyone who doesn't have at least one sex toy in their nightstand.

Episodio 2x8 - Nota 7 2016-12-14 14:02:18

"During that Katy Perry, Taylor Swift feud, she sided with Katy."

Episodio 2x9 - Nota 9 2016-12-24 00:02:09

I'm listening to nothing but up, Justin Bieber's mom's autobiography

#5: I'm a genius and no one cares.
#1: Damn it, Number Five, shut up.

Episodio 2x10 - Nota 9.5 2016-12-25 18:49:08


Episodio 2x10 - Nota 9.5 2016-12-25 18:52:31

D: I'm back, bitches! All right. What did I miss? Ooh! How's Hillary working out? I mean, the first female president, and I missed the moment! Damn it!
C: Can you just stop talking AND DEFUSE THE BOMB?
D: Damn, that look complicated. They didn't show us how to defuse no bombs in Quantico, but, but, but, fortunate for all of us, I did watch the hit TV show Quantico. And I saw Agent Alex Parrish defuse one.


Episodio 2x10 - Nota 9.5 2017-05-15 10:13:11

infelizmente foi cancelada, ainda tinha esperanças de um recast ou uma temporada antologica RYAN E FOX EU ABOMINO VCS

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