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Motherland: Fort Salem By Moony

Episodio 1x4 - Nota 9 2021-08-19 15:15:14

“I’m in this with you and we’re gonna figure it out together, ok? Whoever you are, whoever you were I’m in. No matter what happens, no matter what anybody else thinks, I’m with you”

Episodio 1x10 - Nota 10 2020-05-21 20:08:51

Esse foi o último dessa temporada, mas já foi renovada.

Episodio 1x10 - Nota 10 2020-05-22 16:37:15

Já foi renovada.

Episodio 2x4 - Nota 9.5 2021-07-16 16:43:16

"I'd know those eyes anywhere" ❤

Episodio 2x5 - Nota 10 2021-07-21 23:10:53

"Not only am I witch, I am the Spree, and I've killed thousands of civilians. And I enjoyed it. Every. Single. Time."

Episodio 2x6 - Nota 9.5 2021-07-30 15:53:17

"Don't worry. I always come prepared."

Episodio 2x7 - Nota 10 2021-08-05 02:40:56

"I don't expect her to forgive me. I just want her to be safe."

Episodio 2x7 - Nota 10 2021-08-05 02:42:52

"I need you to know, all I ever wanted was to make a world where you could be free. I have always loved you more than anything. I hope one day you'll forgive me." 💔

Episodio 2x8 - Nota 10 2021-08-11 01:04:27

- Stay safe
- You too

Episodio 2x8 - Nota 10 2021-08-11 02:04:23

- Why don't you take Tiffany to the Cession? You can stay with my dad and have pancakes in the morning and... I just, I think it would be good for both of you.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah. I'll let him know you're coming. And... that way I'll also know where I can find you.

Episodio 2x8 - Nota 10 2021-08-13 00:55:43

Teve uma cena da Alder no Beltane e não lembro de ter visto as biddies por perto kkkkk.

Episodio 2x9 - Nota 10 2021-08-18 19:07:32

- Does your dad know?
- About us?
- Is there an us to know about?
- Kinda stepped into that one, huh?

Episodio 2x9 - Nota 10 2021-08-18 19:12:39

"My life for hers"

Episodio 2x9 - Nota 10 2021-08-18 19:37:13

"We live on through the Mother and our power lives on through you. So that our ancient enemy can finally be defeated and the Great War can be won."

Episodio 2x9 - Nota 10 2021-08-23 22:10:32

A série foi renovada pra terceira temporada, mas será a última e sabemos que o Eliot Laurence, criador da série, tinha planos para 7 temporadas. Tá rolando no twitter uma movimentação pra tentar salvar a série, e tem uma petição sendo assinada também, inclusive a Taylor Hickson divulgou. Quem quiser e puder assinar faça isso, não custa nada tentar conseguir ao menos mais uma temporada pra uma série com potencial.

Edit: link da petição

Episodio 2x9 - Nota 10 2021-08-24 10:24:01

não sei como funciona a política de colocar links aqui, mas vou colocar qualquer problema eu apago o comentário

Episodio 2x10 - Nota 10 2021-08-24 13:03:27

A série foi renovada pra terceira temporada, mas será a última e sabemos que o Eliot Laurence, criador da série, tinha planos para 7 temporadas. Tá rolando no twitter uma movimentação pra tentar salvar a série, e tem uma petição sendo assinada também, inclusive a Taylor Hickson divulgou. Quem quiser e puder assinar faça isso, não custa nada tentar conseguir ao menos mais uma temporada pra uma série com potencial.

Link da petição

Episodio 2x10 - Nota 10 2021-08-25 12:40:53

- During the attack I kept thinking that I may never see you again. And that was the worst part of it. I love you, Scylla.
- I love you, too.

Episodio 2x10 - Nota 10 2021-08-25 12:43:59

- You just keep getting better.
- Do you like that?
- You saved my life... Again.
- Least I could do.
- I don't wanna be apart from you anymore.
- Me either. Like, ever.

Episodio 2x10 - Nota 10 2021-08-26 12:56:39

tá rolando petição, se possível assinem lá

Episodio 2x10 - Nota 10 2021-08-26 13:00:39

tá rolando petição, se puder assina lá

Episodio 2x10 - Nota 10 2021-08-26 17:26:47

o criador da série tem 10 anos de pesquisa pra produzir ela, ele deve ter tudo organizado na cabeça dele pra essas 7 temporadas que ele planejava, palhaçada esse cancelamento após a terceira.

Episodio 3x2 - Nota 9 2022-06-29 01:36:10

"I keep sending it to her, so that wherever she is, it will reach her and she'll know that I'm looking for her and that I'll never give up"

Episodio 3x3 - Nota 9.5 2022-07-06 11:36:21

Chorando junto com a Scylla, ela precisava desse momento de vulnerabilidade, e que bom que a Tally e a Abigail estavam lá pra apoiar ela. Só quero que a Raelle volte logo.

Episodio 3x3 - Nota 9.5 2022-07-06 11:36:46

"Raelle is what's kept me alive" 💔

Episodio 3x4 - Nota 9 2022-07-13 21:35:00

"This isn't anger, Nicte. This is love and you're too lonely and miserable to even tell the difference"

Episodio 3x4 - Nota 9 2022-07-13 21:37:14

"I love you, and I'll never lose hope" ❤

Episodio 3x5 - Nota 9 2022-07-20 01:54:29

"Honestly, it's the closest thing to a home I ever had until I find my true home, the woman I love, who's also from the Cession" 🤧

Episodio 3x5 - Nota 9 2022-07-21 00:47:10

Sim, a Taylor sofreu um acidente de carro no início das gravações da temporada, por isso a ausência dela nessa primeira parte.

Episodio 3x6 - Nota 9.5 2022-07-27 01:21:04

"Send her back to me and I swear I’ll protect her. If you don’t let her come back then take me with you
because I can’t go on without her"

Episodio 3x6 - Nota 9.5 2022-07-29 00:44:18

"Have faith and fear not. This will always be a witches place. Do not lose hope"

Episodio 3x7 - Nota 9.5 2022-08-03 17:22:48

"I know you're scared. I know it's too soon. It's always too soon. And what's ahead will be dificult, but you must protect the innocent at any cost. That is our greatest calling. It always has been. Never forget who you are and whose army you fight for. Employ every bit of Work you have to complicate, obfuscate, subvert and undermine Jarrett's objectives while maintaining the semblance of following orders. It's that clear soldiers? Good. You are General Petra Bellweather's soldiers. Make her proud."

Episodio 3x7 - Nota 9.5 2022-08-03 17:28:05

"I'm going to do what Raelle would do. Whatever it takes to keep my friends safe. No matter the cost".

Episodio 3x7 - Nota 9.5 2022-08-03 17:29:52

"I was walking through the darkness, and I could feel Scylla, I could hear her" ❤

Episodio 3x8 - Nota 9 2022-08-10 02:12:17

- Hey, look at me. It's gonna be okay. You know, when my mom told me I'd be mortal if I came back, I thought I'd be scare or unsure. But I'm not. And I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life. Because I have you by my side.
- I just wish there was more time. There never is. There's always something trying to keep us apart.
- Then we won't let it. We won't let anything pull us apart again. All right? If we get out of this... When we get out of this... Will you marry me?

Episodio 3x8 - Nota 9 2022-08-10 03:24:26

“We started this together. We should end this together”

Episodio 3x9 - Nota 9.5 2022-08-19 00:22:44

Uma série com planejamento pra 7 temporadas ser reduzida em 3, difícil de entender 🥲

Episodio 3x9 - Nota 9.5 2022-08-19 01:26:16

"But it won't matter because we'll be found guilty, and this trial will be used do persecute all witches. My mother was a military, my father is a civilian. I didn't want to fight. I despised the military because I knew I would end up dying just like my mother, fighting to protect people who hated me just for existing. But I said the words, and despite all my expectations, my feelings changed. I know most of you probably didn't grow up around the military or witches, but we are no different than you. We're your daughters, we're your sons, we're your neighbors, we're your friends. It you think our actions deserve punishment, so be it. But do not let them use this trial to take us back to the burning times."

Episodio 3x10 - Nota 9 2022-08-24 10:55:12

- Fort Salem is our home. Let's defend it.
- One more time.
- One last hurrah.
- Let's finish this.
- For goddess and country. Let’s take back Fort Salem

Episodio 3x10 - Nota 9 2022-08-24 14:25:53

"I just wanna say how proud I am to know all three of you. The moment we met I knew there was something else. This odd, beautiful, precisely perfect combination of your talents. Everybody saw it. Everybody knew. Never doubt that, all right? Never doubt what you've built. And look out for that one."

RIP Anacostia 💔

Episodio 3x10 - Nota 9 2022-08-24 14:31:33

- We should have to stayed at the lighthouse.
- This isn't so bad.
- Can I ask you something?
- Anything.
- Why me?
- What do you mean?
- Everything that's happening, what's to come, why me?
- That's easy. You're the only one strong enough to bear all this.

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